Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Manos Del Uruguay Yarn..Supporting something larger!
For years I have been knitting, but have more recently developed a passion for the hobby and learning more about the industry. Often I feel we look at knitting as a science where you must use this needle with this size yarn, but I am coming to the realization that projects do turn out, if you challenge what is viewed as the improper way to do something. This often leads to a more unique, or improved product. In doing this the art of knitting can grew and become something new and fresh. Through this exploration I have developed a dedication and love for Manos Del Uruguay yarn. Not only do they produce beautiful, bright and youthful yarns, which Modern Knits always loves, but they have a social mission at the core of their organization. Manos works to bring economic opportunities to women in Uruguay, therefore they have established cooperatives throughout the country side, where yarn is handmade. I in no way believe this is right for every business and that Wall Street is a monster, I just believe this is an organically grown organization that has seen growth because of the product they create and in creating this product improve the lives of others! Here is a link to learn more about their mission and vision.  Since you are going to buy yarn anyway, why not support something larger while enjoying your hobby! I truly believe in what Manos Del Uruguay does and love their products, therefore this is an organization I wanted to support as I work to grow Modern Knits. We are now selling Manos Del Uraguay  on Etsy, with that hope that word will spread about this quality, socially conscious yarn.  If you are interested check out Modern Knits and some of the Fun.Bright.Youthful yarns we love from Manos Del Uruguay!

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